If you are new to WordPress and WordCamps


If you are new to WordPress and WordCamps, here is some general information you might find useful. Do not hesitate to contact us for any question you could have! We are looking forward to welcome you in the WordPress community, and to the WordCamp (tickets here). If you prefer to read it in French, we added the same information to the bottom of this page: “Bienvenue au WordCamp”.

What is a WordCamp?

A WordCamp is a day or two of talks around WordPress, there are WordCamps every week around the world, see https://wordcamp.org
WordCamp Geneva 2016 follows WordCamp Switzerland 2014 and 2015, that’s the reason it will be held in English for this year, to better serve the audience from the whole Switzerland. It is organized by volunteers, as everyone who contribute to WordPress is.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a CMS: Content Management System. It is a software installed on a webserver, to facilitate web publication. You can find it here https://wordpress.org (.ORG!). Some hosts even includes WordPress directly in their hosting tools. WordPress is open-source, free but priceless, belong to everyone and to which we contribute freely (see below for Contribution). It must not be mistaken with WordPress.com (.COM!) which is a commercial product from the company Automattic.

What is Open-Source?

(Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_software )
Open-source software (OSS) is computer software with its source code made available with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose.[1] Open-source software may be developed in a collaborative public manner. According to scientists who studied it, open-source software is a prominent example of open collaboration

Contribute to WordPress?

You do not need to be a coder to contribute to WordPress, all levels welcome.
Needs are diverse, such as translation, documentation, support on the forums, development, contribution to code for the core but also for mobile development, accessibility, etc. There is also the topic called “Community” = help to organise WordCamps and monthly meetups. There will be a Contributor day (full info here) on November 19, the day after the conferences.


WordCamps and WordPress events are made by a community who believes we should be truly open for everyone. As such, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, religion, preferred operating system, programming language, or text editor. The full code of conduct is here.



About Patricia BT

World Citizen, community facilitator, connector and problem solver. I'm a “solopreneur” enjoying WordPress (especially WordCamp events and the people from the community) – Science/Environment – Peace – Evolution – Humanism – Allyship to Minorities and under-represented groups – Authenticity – Kindness. My goal is to help everyone get their voice heard and promote global peace. → https://patriciabt.com/ I love dedicated and meaningful relationships with other people and 1 to 1 conversations (and coffee, cheese and chocolate ;) ) Contact me via one of the social media listed on this page, or via the contact form: https://patriciabt.com/contact -- Contribution to WordPress -- I love to get involved in the WordPress community, as it’s a pleasant way to give back to WordPress what WordPress allows me to accomplish on my business and personal sites. I co-organise the WordPress meetups in Geneva since 2013 and have been part of the WordCamps organisation teams in Swiss WordPress events since 2016. I have also been a speaker or a volunteer in several other events. Full WordPress story: https://patriciabt.com/wordpress I recently bumbed up the number of hours I spend contributing, it's now about 2-3 day per week. I'm not sponsored and might in the future be sponsored by my own company when I will establish my LLC (later this year) and dedicate working hours to WP contribution instead of doing on my free time/sleeping time like now. I hope to also be able to sponsor another person for a few hours. Both under the "Five for the Future" program. Currently (April 2024) - Contributing to the Community team / events -- organising meetup, WordCamp and NextGen events in Switzerland, help revive some Meetup groups -- part of the organising team for WCEU2024 -- co-organiser of the Switzerland Community Day 2024 -- event-supporter (previously called "mentor") for WordCamp Bretagne and Toulouse -- often volunteer, speaker, and/or microsponsor at WordCamp events when I'm not a co-organiser -- I was a mentor and facilitator in the recent cohort 2 (Feb-March 2024) of the Contribution Mentorship program -- worked with the GatherPress team -- act as a "bridge person" between local (Switzerland/France) and global teams, and between other topics/groups among the community - Contributing to the Sustainability team -- take part in meetings -- focus on the social sustainability in connection with the Five for the Future initiative. -- bring back the topics of sustainability to the local Swiss community (Meetup and upcoming events) - Contributing to the DEIB working group (not a formal team for now) -- take part in meetings -- bring back the topics of DEIB to the local Swiss community (Meetup and upcoming events)